All external events in life are in a way only resemblances of the internal process, synchronous symbolizations. If we understood and integrated them, we would spiritualize the physical. The video installation “Fresh”, consisting of four videos, shows what happened in Bulgaria during the years of transition from socialism to democracy by an authentic portrait of the young character. Amusing, attractive and cynical, the young man perfectly rules over the language and the signs of one nonofficial system, and that makes him look like fiction character. The model that he strives for is the new hero- a businessman with half-criminal, half-parvenu lifestyle. As he has chosen the way of successful integration in contemporary society he gives and generalizes the image of contemporary consumer culture where freedom is reduced to the right to be a client. Всички външни събития в живота са само подобия на вътрешните процеси, синхронични символизации.Ако ги разберем и интегрир...